Move Communications to the Cloud

Move Communications to the Cloud

Cloud communications are Internet-based voice and data communications where telecommunications applications, switching and storage are hosted by a third-party outside of the organization using them, and they are accessed over the public Internet. Cloud services is a broad term, referring primarily to data-center-hosted services that are run and accessed over an Internet infrastructure. Until recently, these services have been data-centric, but with the evolution of VoIP (voice over Internet protocol), voice has become part of the cloud phenomenon.

Cloud communications providers deliver voice & data communications applications and services, hosting them on servers that the providers own and maintain, giving their customers access to the “cloud.” Because they only pay for services or applications they use, customers have a more cost-effective, reliable and secure communications environment, without the headaches associated with more conventional PBX system deployment.

Companies can cut costs with cloud communications services without sacrificing features.The success of cloud-based providers has demonstrated that a cloud-based platform can be just as effective as a software-based platform, but at a much lower cost. Voice services delivered from the cloud increases the value of hosted telephony, as users can equally well turn to a cloud-based offering instead of relying on a facilities-based service provider for hosted VoIP. This expands their options beyond local or regional carriers.

Call Center Pros has solutions that you need today. We will help find the right cloud – The Cloud Services will protect the investment in your legacy phone system, simplify your network and drive down costs with a reliable, high-quality, super secure IP connection.Call Center Pros can lower your cost on DIDs (Direct Inward Dialing) and over the public IP offers the benefits of standard PSTN with the low-cost and flexibility of IP communications. Offering a Toll Free number is a conventional business solution, and it comes with its share of established problems. Call Center Pros has an IP toll-free solution that offers all the convenience and benefits of a Toll Free number without the headaches.

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